December 20, 2007

Looks good to me!

Hi All,
I think I'm in on the ground floor with this -so amazing to me and so unlike me to be so close to the start of something new.
Gary, I was at the reunion and I remember you well. You think you were quiet? I didn't think you were that quiet I was though. I think I'm remembered because of the L O N G last name! I had been in touch with classmates upon my return to Ohio but it took the 45th reunion to get me back into the fold completely. It was so good to see so many I remembered but then sad too to find so many gone.
I enjoyed the site of the reunion and the food was very good. Music on Friday was so much better then Saturday night. My thoughts are that it was hard to circulate to get around to see all the attendees. With the number of people there it was difficult to move around the room and talk to everyone you wanted to while you followed the time schedule for the evening. I know that setting up a weekend of activities takes more planning and is more costly and that there are good and bad thaoughts about it. Then too it could be that I wanted to talk to everyone since it has been 46 years since I saw most of them. I'll have to see how the next reunion goes and how many I actually talk to throught the event.
I'm sorry to hear about losing another classmate. But as we age it will be a normal, usual happening to us all.
Let me wish you a Merry Christmas and happiest of New Year. Be safe and warm!
God Bless you all! Sandy

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